Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2014 sticht in die hohe See hinaus, mit Commodore Massarotto am Steuerrad!

Commodore Massarottos Kaperfahrt auf hoher See wurde mit reichlich Beute belohnt. Mit dem Geld seiner hoch Risiko Investoren, hat er sich ein kleines Datencenter gegönnt um noch mehr seiner Produkte zu verkaufen. Nun natürlich hosting Verträge anstatt Miner. Das mit Miner herstellen ist ja leicht daneben gegangen.

Desweiteren gibt der Herrscher der 7 Weltmeere zu, bitmine hätte leichte cashflow Probleme. Nun ja ein kleiner Fortschritt, vorher war ja die UBS schuld, da sie nur eine begrenzte Anzahl Transaktionen ermögliche. Was natürlich Blödsinn war.

Die neuesten Anweisungen on Commodore Massarotto ->

your refund is expected to be processed about on the second half of October, 2014.

Wow entweder nochmals bis mitte Oktober warten bis Commodore die Beute zurück erstattet oder ->

 We may restore your order and send it to you with 100% more hashing power than the original order was. That is, if you ordered 1TH/s, you would get 2TH/s. Shipping would usually take place same day or day after we received confirmation from you, anyway not more than 5-7 days.

Man nimmt die minderwertige Hardware ->

Obwohl es nun doch 100% mehr Leistung gibt. Vor ein paar Monaten verkündete Commodore Massarotto noch die Begrenzung auf 50%, obwohl dies beim Kauf nie kommuniziert wurde.

Oder aber man nimmt den hosted mining Vertrag an. Absolute spitzenwahl wie zwischen Pest und Cholera. Entweder nochmals 2 Zilliarden Jahre warten oder aber weiter mit dem Betrüger Geschäfte tätigen.

Commodore Massarotto wird um jeden Preis dabei einen netten Gewinn erwirtschaften, auch wenn nicht alles Blütenweiß rein war bei diesem Akt. Es ist ziemlich offensichtlich, dass er mit der Hardware seiner Kunden etwas Spass hatte und sie nun versendet. Auch ist jedem bekannt, dass bis vor einigen Tagen tausende von Bitcoins verschwunden sind die einer Wallet zu geordnet werden konnten. Echt merkwürdige Geschäftspraktiken, die bei Bitmine herrschen.

Wie lange werden Giorgios Geschäfte weiterhin ohne ernsthafte Konsequenzen bleiben? Wo wird sich Commodore Massarotto verstecken wenn es so weit ist? Wer wird schneller sein? Der schrecken der 7 Weltmeere oder die Polizei? Die Zeit wird es zeigen!

More Bitmine wallet dilution:

1000BTC has moved

1Fwy1ohpdinkcsTSkEJ4pvRnLj3Q8TVSp5 -> 1womX7CghmnkxYMUox9SKLSbuBT8iHs3W

They have $860k / 1935 BTC sitting here:

Kleiner Bitcointalk Beitrag.

July 02, 2014, 08:33:15 PM
Reply with quote  #3992

My story may be will sound stupid to many of you. But just want to share. I paid my order in January/2014.

Get the money as loan with high fees, because i tought that "Second week of March" is not so i want to hit my head in the table, but its too late.

March passed, April come...had some letters with Kerim i think - he said its ok, we work, we are pressed, we...

...than later on i start to ask for refund. Fill the letter with the refund info and from 20.05 i wait my refund...

After 20.06 i start to ask what happen, because every month i pay the fkin fees of the loan - no answer. Mail after mail - NOONE...

Than today i saw a "nice" offer:

Antonio (Bitmine AG)

Dear Mr. Georgiev ,

as you may already be aware we are facing some difficulties to process all the refund requests we have received. With this e-mail we would like, first of all, to apologize for the delays you are facing and to thank you for the patience so far.

Given your position in the refunds processing queue and our cash-flow projections, your refund is expected to be processed about on the second half of October, 2014.

We understand this may be a long time to wait for, as such we would like to give you some alternative options that may be available in shorter time:

1) We may restore your order and send it to you with 100% more hashing power than the original order was. That is, if you ordered 1TH/s, you would get 2TH/s. Shipping would usually take place same day or day after we received confirmation from you, anyway not more than 5-7 days.

2) You may convert the amount we owe you (including the 10% penalty) into hosted mining contracts, which will be available from August 15th. More information is available at

Let us know if you are interested in exploring either of the alternative options, otherwise we kindly ask you to bear some more patience until your refund is processed.

Best regards,

for your interests in our products.

Danke für Ihr Interesse an unseren Produkten.

For any questions don't hesitate to contact us. In the meantime

Für Fragen sind wir jederzeit für Sie da.

Kind regards/MfG

Customer Service

Its ok, but when i send the money - there was other TERMS. Acorrding to the terms then i get the loan. With the terms NOW till Octomber i will pay and pay fees short words. Ive never, ever, ever want to hear the word Bitcoin in my life. Also hope never to deal with Swiss Companyes. If this was happen in my country - till now there someone should be death.

I DONT want their hardware anymore, also i dont want service that will HELP me to pay the fees i want the money back to TURN the LOAN. This they cant and dont want to understand.

Ok, may be i am too emotional at the moment. One of the reasons is that i wait my forth kid in November. I need any money fo then but i cant save a shit because of the fees. Yeah I am pretty in mind that this is not problem of Bitmine, but mine. But they dont even read my emails, threat all of us as some kinda animals with standart replayes and always put the point how they are "pressed", "bussy" and so on. Yes but I, we are in the same situation everyone of us, because of their marketing plans and true lies.

The only thing that i can do now, and that left to be done is to write tons of emails to the places that you all recommend in the posts. Also thanks to zadehmehdi for the post. Till now i dont did it, because i believed that Bitmine will bet on their responsabilities according to their terms at the moment that deal was made. Now i see that will be more easy to recieve letter from my death Grandfather.

As i said i will writte to everywhere that you recommend, together will that will try in my freetime to register and share my experience in every forum connected somehow with Bitcoin. I dont want ANYONE to come in my situation. If everyone writte about this in lots of forums there will be good SEO for Bitime - Coincraft - Lies, and i believe they will be not able to lie people anymore.

Kind regards, and sorry that i cry on your sholder,


Donnerstag, 27. März 2014

Da geht wohl das Geld aus oder weshalb werden wieder Desks verkauft

Wie wir alle sehen können, gibt el Presidente auf seine letzte Ankündigung die Bestellliste abzuarbeiten einen Dreck darauf. Die News ist verschwunden und nun werden wieder Bestellungen aufgenommen, Leute sendet diesem Betrüger bloß keinen Rappen Cent oder Rubel, hat seine Kunden nur angelogen, betrogen und ausgebeutet.

Bestellen sie bloß nichts von diesem Hochstapler und Betrüger, damit ist der Geschäftsführer Giorgio Massarotto gemeint. Dieser Interessiert sich bloß für seine Brieftasche und wird sie ignorieren sobald sie ihm Geld überwiesen haben.

Was der Betrüger sonst noch zu vertuschen versucht, vorsicht vor

Langsam macht sich wohl Giorgio Massarotto ernsthaft Sorgen ob er noch lange in Freiheit unterwegs sein darf. Wie kann man sich sonst erklären, dass er so viele Informationen von seiner Seite versucht verschwinden zu lassen? Der Scammer versucht seinen ramponierten Ruf noch irgendwie zu retten, doch leider hat Bob Batzeli alles bestens dokumentiert und teilt dies gerne mit Freunden und Anwälten.

Am 30 Januar verkündet el Presidente stolz "Production startet", nun wie wir ja alles wissen war dies auch nur gelogen, da Herr Massarotto anscheinend ein Pathologischer Lügner ist.

Darin verkündet der Pathologische Lügner stolz die Produktion hätte begonnen, ergo hat er also seit Januar die Hardware selber benutzt oder er hat gelogen. Weshalb bloß versucht er dies auch zu vertuschen mag man sich Fragen. Nun ja die Frage ist ganz einfach zu beantworten, er möchte seinen luxuriösen Lebenstill nicht aufgeben und gegen eine kalte Zelle austauschen.

404 error page not found, ein neues nettes Detail zu

unautorisierte Dealer A1 Chips

Hier schreibt der Herrscher der 7 Weltmeere, dass er der alleinige seriöse Verkäufer von A1 Asics ist. Wie wir nun nach langer Zeit erfahren haben stimmt auch dies nicht. Es gibt weitere Hardware Hersteller die diese Asics verwenden und wohl auch bei einem entsprechenden Angebot seperat verkaufen würden. Zu guter letzt hatten diese auch gezeigt wie man einen funktionsfähigen Miner herstellt, nach dem sie es 3 Monate lang nicht zu Stande gebracht haben. Einfach nur lächerlich und danach noch die Kunden für die unfähigkeit verantwortlich machen.

Nun finden wir auch auf dieser Seite einen 404 error.

one of the Authorized distributors from this updated list page.

Hmm was wird uns wohl dort vorenthalten auch unter der Hauptnavigation, ist der Link tot. Was will Giorgio der schreckliche dort wieder vertuschen? Dies können wir hier sehen.

Also zuerst sehen wir ihren Partner AMT, diese haben genau die selben Probleme wie Bitmine. Zuerst einen Haufen Geld sammeln, danach nicht liefern und später sich noch fragen weshalb die Kunden leicht verärgert sind. Wie man im offiziellen Thread lesen kann, sind auch dort die Kunden dazu gezwungen worden anzeige zu erstatten oder rechtliche Schritte einzuleiten. Der Geschäftsführer scheint auch leicht dubios zu sein, falls die gefundenen Informationen stimmen. Aber am besten machen sie sich doch selbst ein Bild.

AMT Bitcointalk

Hier gibt es noch ein schönes Video, der 2 Geschäftsleute die einfach nur absolute Spitzenklasse darin sind, Geld zu sammeln und den Kunden Märchen zu erzählen und die Hardware der Kunden Monate lang zu verwenden, bevor sie ausgeliefert wird.

Danach folgt der Asic Vertrieb von einem der Firmeninhaber, welcher nicht weiter spektakulär ist, da dies der einzige der Inhaber ist welcher nicht sofort lügt sobald er den Mund öffnet.

1A asic Bitcointalk

Nun wird es schon wieder spannender und zwar geht es um 50BTC die von sehr vielen Leuten als Scammer beschimpft werden, wie und AMT.

[SCAMMER] Bitcointalk
50BTC Bitcointalk

Bis Heute scheinen Leute auf ihr Geld zu warten, dass angeblich während eines Hacks gestohlen wurde. Auch hier Lug und Betrug wo man nur hinsieht und diese Seite war einer der offiziellen Hardware Verkäufer. Super von Giorgio dem schrecklichen, eines scheint er doch konsequent zu verfolgen, Geschäfte treiben mit dubiosen Figuren wie er auch eine ist.

Was lernen wir daraus?

Scammer lieben es sich zusammen zu schließen und die Leute gemeinsam zu betrügen, um die Reichweite zu erhöhen. Ein Scammer kommt selten allein und wen man denkt nun ist es vorbei, dann hat es gerade erst begonnen.

Also liebe Leser passen sie bloß auf wenn ihnen diese Personen etwas verkaufen wollen, wechseln sie sofort die Straßenseite, wen sie einer dieser Personen begegnen und passen sie bloß auf ihre Geldbörse auf. Den die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sie diese nie wieder sehen scheint doch sehr hoch zu sein.

Mittwoch, 26. März 2014

Wie der "Customer Protection Plan" mal vorgesehen war

Als die Welt für alle noch in Ordnung war, da verkündete unser geliebter Führer Giorgio der erste seinen Plan zur Absicherung der Kunden.

Dort war die rede nach den ersten 10 Tagen Verspätung, gibt es alle weiteren 10 Tage 10% mehr Leistung. Nun wie wir alle ja wissen, wurde der Plan der zur Zeit der Bestellung aktuell war am 25. Februar 2014 plötzlich umgestaltet.

Wie immer wen etwas kurzfristig geändert wurde, war dies natürlich zu Gunsten des Herrschers der 7 Weltmeere Giorgio der schreckliche. Seiner Ansicht nach kann er die geschlossenen Verträge jederzeit zu seinen Gunsten umgestalten, aus dem einfach Grund weil er es kann.

Leider wird kein Gericht auf der Welt seinen Vorstellungen folgen, da dies gegen jegliche Rechtssicherheit verstoßt. Wo würden wir bloß hinkommen, wenn solche Praktiken legal wären?

Nun scheint es Zeit zu sein die lokalen Polizeiposten zu besuchen, die Anwälte von der Kette zu lassen und sich mit Händen und Füßen gegen diesen Betrug zur Wehr zu setzen.

Bitmine ist verpflichtet für die aufgekommen Schäden in gesamter Höhe aufzukommen. Da die AGBs nach Vertragsabschluss geändert wurden, da er die Kunden offensichtlich getäuscht hat und sein Spiel bis zum anschlag ausgereizt hat.

Hier noch der Original "Customer Protection Plan" ohne die 50% Beschränkung...

Der Tag an dem Giorgio seine Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen zu seinen Gunsten verändert hat

Dies wurde am 25. Februar 2014 verkündet von unserem geliebten Führer.

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February 25, 2014, 02:06:55 PM
Reply with quote  #2010

Ok enough now.

This thread has now been locked due to the fact that a few users have been going nuts and are acting without any kind of even basic knowledge of how an educated person should act. I can understand anger and criticism, but I cannot tolerate personal insults to me or to one of our co-workers, never.

After this public release that is meant to hopefully address in an objective manner all the latest source of criticism (or better said, "flames") that have popped up these last days, we'll keep the thread locked for a few days to give the opportunity to the spammers to cool down a bit and hopefully open it again at a later stage. I've always been a supporter of an official support thread on and an activist of the freedom of speech, but the lack of moderation is allowing a bunch of brainless spammers to destroy the experience and all constructive criticism made by the other wide majority of users.

Anybody questioning the reputation of Bitmine here should just ask himself why the people that got an appointment and came to visit us have NEVER posted bad things about us but, rather, all claimed that we are nice people, hard workers and yes, definitely not a scam. Just scroll back in the history of this thread and you will find all these testimonials. Me and our about 20+ people staff by now have been working hard, overtime and spending an astonishing amount of resources, nerves and money to recover on our delays while, at the same time, giving out free upgrades to everybody. So I would say that... no, I don't feel at all like having ripped off anybody but rather I feel that I did the best I could reasonably do for our customers, while admitting that some mistakes have been made and that we're still improving ourselves to address the open issues.

I hope to address all the pending matters with this post but please accept my apologies if I forgot to cover something and, again, I would be more than happy to receive anybody here ON APPOINTMENT in case you want to further discuss anything that may concern you.

Thank you,

Giorgio Massarotto

Personal threats and accusations
While constructive criticism, suggestions and a reasonable amount of anger is perfectly understandable and accepted, recent developments have completely degenerated in personal insults to me and my co-workers. This is not going to be accepted and, given that Swiss laws are very clear on this, I'm going to take all the available legal measures against these people.

Petamine units
As part of the deal that we had with Cryptx, given the big amount of the purchase, we have agreed to setup an additional dedicated production line that would be working in parallel to the existing ones and producing the units just for them. As soon as the PCB boards were hashing stable at our strict requirements, the production of both the commercial units (aka the ones sold on the website) and the petamine dedicated units started exactly at the same time. The fact that they reported them before anybody else is just due to the fact that they have been picking up their units in person and reported publicly just the day after having them in hands, while the other users that had their units shipped didn't yet report that fast on the forum, but some did a few days later. Petamine just as any other user have suffered delays and are being compensated for that.

Lack of frequent news
As I've stated previously in several posts, we don't have PR people here, so it's up to me to release news as soon as there are some. Unfortunately I also hold a key position in managing all this stuff and I'm working with an insane schedule, the company grew from a 2-people office to a 20+ employees one with production capabilities that have scaled 100-fold from when we started back in early 2013. This, unfortunately, takes time and focus has and will always be on making things run as fast as possible, however I will take the lesson and in the future we'll try to have more frequent news.

CPP and refunds deadline
Confusion would be the best term to describe an otherwise very straightforward policy. A dedicated page explaining in simple words how the CPP works has been available here since day 0, but it looks like it wasn't clear enough, or just not read by most people. Let me resume some key points:

1) First 10 days don't count in late delivery calculation.

2) Refunds can be asked on the 71th day of delay based on the committed shipment date, which is the one published when you place the order. For avalon-clones and December batch customer, that means you'll be able to ask the refund starting from February 27th (December 16th stated delivery date + 10 days + 60 days). An appropriate page on our web site under support will be opened tomorrow for anybody willing to ask for a refund and yes, we will be honoring them within 30 days.

3) The late delivery compensation for your unit(s) will be determined at the exact moment of its assembly, that's why it makes no sense to keep on asking the support team, they won't be able to give you an answer till the unit is in production!

4) The compensation is calculated on 10% steps of increase of the nominal hashing power that you've ordered, rounded to the next highest hashing module. So, if you ordered a 200 GH/s unit and your unit leaves our warehouse after 32 days of late delivery, that is 22 effective days which is 30% additional power. Theoretically that would be 260 GH/s which, in case of the Desk unit where the hashing modules are 200 GH/s each, that would make your order shipped with two 200 GH/s modules for a total of 400 GH/s. Before creating again a conspiracy based on my words, please note that we're currently evaluating the possibility to supply late orders with half-mounted hashing units (i.e. 4 CoinCraft A1 chips instead of 8 ) so whereas you'll still get more than what you were actually entitled for, it may be less than the above mentioned example.

5) Refunds are made in the same payment method on which the payment was originally made. That means: wire transfers get refunded with wire transfers, bitcoin payments get refunded with bitcoin payments.

6) Refunds are pinned to the daily exchange rate at the moment when the refund will be issued, based on the original USD price of your purchase order which is the base currency for the prices stated in the website. That means:
    6.1 If you paid by wire transfer in USD, you get refunded by wire transfer in USD
    6.2 If you paid by wire transfer in EUR, you get refunded by wire transfer in EUR at the daily USD/EUR exchange rate based on your originally invoiced amount.
    6.3 If you paid by wire transfer in CHF, you get refunded by wire transfer in CHF at the daily USD/CHF exchange rate based on your originally invoiced amount.
    6.4 If you paid by bitcoin transfer in BTC, you get refunded in BTC at the daily USD/BTC exchange rate based on your originally invoiced amount.

7) Refunds are not mandatory: if you don't request them with our refund request form, we won't be doing this automagically for you. You can opt to wait for your 50% (the maximum) compensated order to be delivered for any amount of time.

8 ) Refunds are based on the originally paid amount, excluding any coupons or discounts. For example, if as an avalon-clone customer you opted for a 50% free coupon on your originally paid amount of $1000, your refund will be based on $1000 and not on $1500.

Turbo mode issues
All of our products have been sold, stated and guaranteed in NOMINAL HASHING POWER. For example, product model CCD-800 is a CoinCraft Desk 800GH/s, CCD-1000 is a CoinCraft Desk 1000GH/s and so on. The Turbo feature is by purpose indicated as "up to", which if I'm not wrong given , means literally "indicating a maximum amount". This is depending on overall operating conditions and will vary depending on your specific use case scenario, while the nominal power is guaranteed to work always. This is exactly what has been done here, the 1TH/s nominal units can reach easily 1.3TH/s in normal operating conditions (read: 25°C ambient temperature) and up to 1.5TH/s when conditions such as very low ambient air temperatures and a more powerful power supply are provided. Let me explain this again with different words: it's not that your unit will not reach the highest peak of the Turbo mode, it will but based on the specific conditions in which you operate it.

Production capabilities
As everybody knows by now, we have been delivering units since last week and are now nearly in full scale production ability with about 30 units/day, targeting 50 units/day in the next days. Based on current production schedules, we should recover the delays within a few weeks.

Support not answering e-mails or phone calls
Some people have blamed the support to not be answering e-mails, I can just say that probably some of them are the same people that are sending daily flood e-mails that have the only consequence of delaying the response to the other perfectly legit requests.
We are not delaying any legitimate request and currently we answer e-mail requests within 3-4 days with volumes of about 250 daily e-mails. As for the phone calls, you have to be patient because all of our support staff may be busy during some peak hours. Please hold the line, and you'll see that you get an answer. We are working on staffing additional people in the meantime.

Rig device issues
As it has been known for some time now, the rig design is having some engineering problems due mostly to the heat and the internal DC distribution design. We have been working hard in fixing this, the prototype is currently in our lab and we expect to be able to let it go in production within short time.
Report to moderator  

CoinCraft 28nm swiss-made ASIC miners available NOW from 500 GH/s to 2 TH/s.
Official discussion thread on bitcointalk:

Wie seine Kunden animierte mehr Bestellungen zu tätigen

Am 7. Oktober hat ihre Kundschaft dazu animiert noch mehr Hardware zu bestellen. Obwohl schon lange klar war, dass dort Diletanten am Werk waren.

Da Giorgio der schreckliche gerne seine Page manipuliert wird dies hier schon mal prophylaktisch dokumentiert.